We prioritize unparalleled quality News 23rd November 2023 We prioritize unparalleled qualityOur state-of-the-art material lab is fully equipped with advanced tools and technologies for comprehensive testing.… FedeAuth
Your trusted partner in tooling design News 6th November 2023 Your trusted partner in tooling designDiscover how Plyform goes beyond delivering quality products to become your trusted partner in tooling… FedeAuth
Plyform’s assembly area News 18th October 2023 Plyform’s assembly areaPlyform has an area of 3000 square meters specifically dedicated to assembly operations. It also… FedeAuth
September 20th | Boeing Industry Day News 3rd October 2023 September 20th | Boeing Industry DayWe were excited to participate in Boeing Industry Day, an event organized by ITA - Italian… FedeAuth
Our cutting plotter News 27th September 2023 Our cutting plotterOne of the most notable Plyform equipment is our cutting plotter, equipped with an automated… FedeAuth
Plyform in the automotive sector News 14th September 2023 Plyform in the automotive sectorWhat makes Plyform one of the best partners for companies in the automotive sector? Years… FedeAuth
Quality is the key News 28th August 2023 Quality is the keyTo provide the best solutions in the field of composites, Plyform invests in quality-oriented equipment,… FedeAuth
Happy summer vacation! News 3rd August 2023 Happy summer vacation!Happy holidays by Plyform! We inform you that our offices will be closed from 7… FedeAuth
Applications: helicopter Aeronautics 26th July 2023 Applications: helicopterOver 40 years of experience in the composites field and a mission to provide the… FedeAuth
Plyform and LMA at Paris Air Show News 3rd July 2023 Plyform and LMA at Paris Air ShowFrom June 19-25, Plyform participated in the Paris International Air Show. It was a great… FedeAuth